
Three social media trends to consider in content marketing

Three social media trends to consider in content marketing

Good content that resonates with your audience is clearly essential to content marketing, but keeping on top of popular developments in social media can help guide your creation and distribution of content for this powerful channel. With 2018 fast approaching, here are some trends to consider in the upcoming year as you promote your brand through social media:

1. Embrace mobile-ready content

You’ve no doubt heard it before, but this only becomes more important as time passes. It’s now estimated that most time is spent on digital media through mobile devices, with smartphone apps accounting for about half of all engagement. Smartphone apps like Instagram, Snapchat and especially Facebook are extremely popular, reflecting how much time we spend on social media.

While it’s important for content to clearly display on smaller screens, mobile-ready content should also be structured so that mobile users can enjoy it with the minimum of effort.

2. Take advantage of “rich content”

While the written word is still the backbone of content, “rich content” is defined as something that solicits direct engagement. This could be as simple as a video (because a user needs to click the play button), but it could also be something that encourages users to vote, give feedback or relay relevant experiences. Such user-generated content is particularly valuable when it reinforces your brand, because other people tend to trust it more.

3. Consider investing in more talent

Whether you use freelancers or content services, such as a news-writing service, you ideally want your writers to be creating tailored content for all the popular social channels rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach. This is the best way to grow your brand on each platform.

In short, social media is a source of constant innovation as it finds new ways for people to express themselves. This is something content marketers can use as they look to form valuable relationships with consumers.

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