Santa Sleigh

Three great ways to follow Santa on the internet

Santa Sleigh

Three great ways to follow Santa on the internet

While many of us might see Christmas Eve as a chance to do half a day at work and then sneak off to the pub, or perhaps make use of the last few hours of Christmas shopping, one popular and well-known festive frolicker is slogging his way through his busiest day and night of the year.

December 24, as well as the early hours of December 25, are a mad rush for Santa Claus, as he races around the world delivering presents to every well-behaved child in the space of one day. Travelling by the eccentric method of a sleigh powered by flying reindeer, and entering today’s largely electric fire-heated homes via the somewhat impractical route of the chimney, the lovable Laplander certainly has his work cut out – not least due to the effects of a rapidly growing world population.

Santa has been carrying out his Christmas pilgrimage for longer than any of us have lived, but that’s not to say he’s an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy who is stuck in the past. Father Christmas, as we still occasionally refer to him in Britain, is very much a man online, and has added digital savviness to his skillset in recent years.

If you’re finding yourself sat in front of your computer or mobile device, tediously counting down the hours until the big day, here are some great ways to entertain yourself courtesy of the jolly old soul himself.

1. Track Santa’s route

Today, many people working in logistics use GPS to monitor their route and allow their employees to keep track of where they are. Santa is no different, and it’s possible to see where he is in real time on Christmas Eve.

Using the NORAD Santa Tracker, you can take a look at where Mr. Claus is hovering and delivering right now. His route is detected by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and in previous years has included narrated videos about the areas as he visits them.

It’s a great way to fascinate children, or indeed adults with a sense of seasonal wanderlust.

2. Watch Santa’s TV channel

If there’s not much on the box to tide you through Christmas Eve, why not tune into Santatelevision? Catch up on Santa’s Christmas messages, interviews and features about himself and his reindeer, and learn about his homeland and its sights, such as the Northern Lights.

It’s even possible to order a letter from Santa, delivered from Lapland, although at this late stage that’s something probably best left until Christmas 2019.

3. Follow Santa on Twitter

Yes, the big man is in the Twitterverse too. It’s unlikely he’ll have much time to tweet today, but in case he does, be sure to follow the @OfficialSanta account to bring some joy and glitter to your Twitter newsfeed, instead of the usual bickering and bile often seen on the site.

Although it has over 400,000 followers, we note that the account doesn’t have a blue tick to confirm it’s really run by Santa. We’re sure it’s him, though!

After today’s mammoth shift, Santa can join all of us in enjoying some well-earned rest over the yuletide season. At Engage Web, we wish both him and all our clients a fabulous Christmas and New Year!

John Murray

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