
The social media party: think cocktails, not pub

The social media party: think cocktails, not pub

Social media networking is often compared to regular social situations. If a social media site was a party, as some SEO experts put it, then you need to know which party frock to wear. Or, to put it in a more practical way, you need to know which party manners to display.

The trouble with comparing social media to a party is that there are many parties that we encounter in life. There are the reserved kinds of parties that you attend with your boss, where you have to wear uncomfortable shoes and smile politely. There are the sort of parties where you can completely let your hair down, knowing that anyone near you is going to be in no state to remember incriminating details. And there are all the parties in between.

If you’re engaging in social media as a part of your search engine optimisation plan, you’re doing it as a representative of your business. This puts you in a tricky spot. Not only do you have your business reputation to worry about, but you have to be down-to-earth enough for your target internet users to see your business face as human and interesting. This is a lot to ask.

When trying to gauge the level of social interaction needed, it can help to go back to the party metaphor. Obviously, you’re not looking for the kind of party involving drunken singing down your Merseyside local, but you’re not looking for a corporate event, either. Think fun and refined cocktails, not the pub.

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