
The SEO content war of good and evil

I bet you’ve never thought of a war happening within your website. Especially not the superhero-versus-supervillain, monumental-battles-in-dark-streets kind. But there is.

Successful search engine optimisation requires good content. It’s one of those basic SEO jobs. There is so much concentration on SEO content, however, that site owners sometimes forget about the other content of their site. There is plenty of non-SEO content on the average website, and this content could seriously get in the way of your SEO plan.

Like any good comic-book battle, it’s not as clear cut as good versus evil. This non-SEO content is not bad for your site as a whole – in fact, it’s usually essential information. However, things like online press releases and information which establishes your Liverpool locality can get stale. In having this vulnerability, they become a potential optimisation liability, rather than asset.

If you’re not careful, these two types of content can wage an invisible war on your site. The SEO content, metaphorically the guys in the colourful lycra costumes, bravely battles to get your site into the sweet, sweet light of the first SERP pages. The non-SEO content, meanwhile, lurks in the darkness, misdirecting search engine spiders and doing things to ensure pages never see the light of day.

What can you do to resolve this titanic battle? It’s easy, really. All you have to do is separate them. Keep non-SEO content on separate navigation paths from your active SEO content. This will prevent confusion on the part of Google’s spiders and ensure good triumphs over evil… at least, metaphorically.

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