
The Brew Cards Game Infographic

At Engage Web we love coffee and tea. We love it so much, by around 4pm, Steven is beginning to shake from the level of caffeine in his blood. The trouble with liking so many brews, however, is choosing who will make them.

Rather than all sit staring at our shoes, waiting for a volunteer, when the issue of who makes the brews comes up we like to place our destiny in the hands of the Brew Cards. The Brew Cards are fair, just and have no favourites. They guide us through that tricky situation of nobody wanting to make a round of drinks in the office.

To help spread our level of brew utopia around the Internet, we’ve crafted this Infographic explaining the rules of the Brew Cards so everyone can place their drink related decisions in the hands of destiny.

If you like this, please feel free to share it and use it on your own websites and blogs.


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Darren Jamieson
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