Survey reveals problems with spelling and grammatical errors

Survey reveals problems with spelling and grammatical errors

According to a survey carried out by an online recruitment company, spelling and grammatical errors are the number one reason for a job application being discarded by potential employers. Out of 1,000 employers, 63 percent agreed that mistakes would put them off someone’s application.

Some common errors are frequently found on applications and Curriculum Vitaes, which annoy prospective employers. They include you and you’re, have and of, it’s and its, except and accept and you and yourself. A number of people rely on their computer spell check to spot errors, but the computer will miss most of the mistakes as it doesn’t differentiate between the meanings of English words.

Although the poor grammar and spelling on application forms and CVs left employers feeling troubled, another survey conducted by the recruiting company questioned 5,000 employees who thought that being happy in your job was more important than the financial rewards. According to the results, 80 percent said that if they were offered their ultimate job they would take a cut in pay. When asked to choose between a job that they loved earning £20,000 per annum, and a job they disliked for £100,000 per annum, 80 percent of the survey recipients said they would take the £20,000 a year job.

Poor grammar and spelling errors can literally spell disaster for your business website, as potential clients will be given the impression of shoddy work, carelessness and an unprofessional attitude. Content outsourcing will ensure your website is completely free of errors, giving an impression of reliability, trust and professionalism.

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