
Survey highlights increasing importance of SEO

Survey highlights increasing importance of SEO

A recent survey has shown just how important SEO is to retail businesses. For ecommerce sites this has long been recognised but the new research by communications powerhouse Cisco suggests it is also increasingly true for shopping on the high street.

The survey polled 2,000 shoppers; 1,000 from the US and 1,000 from the UK, and found that 74% would head to the internet to research an item, prior to making the purchase. This result alone shows how critical well performing digital content is and that it provides a service to the consumer.

Though many sites exist simply to advertise items for sale, those providing factual information about the items offered are far more likely to secure a sale. As a result, many smaller retailers who invest more heavily into their search engine optimisation, could steal a march on larger competitors.

There are still pitfalls though; that are all too easy to plummet into head first. Going too far with the promotion of a product is off putting for example, whilst heavy brand promotion will be viewed even less favourably. A company which provides sensible and straight forward product facts, is far more likely to be trusted.

One of the most interesting parts of the survey showed how important mobile internet use is becoming. Of those surveyed, 45% said they look up products online whilst out on the high street and in shopping centres.

With consumers now able to access more information than ever before and access it more readily, those companies wielding the greatest online influence will thrive. Brand attachment is becoming less important, replaced by knowledge attachment.

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