
Social Network User’s Fire Safety Notice

At Engage Web we take health and safety very seriously. So seriously in fact that we’ve created our own fire safety notice to ensure our social network obsessed staff stay safe (that’s a lot of s words) in the event of an office fire.

fire-safety-noticeOur fire safety notice, which is proudly displayed in our office, informs staff members of what they should do when the office is flamed (so to speak) and how to safely and quickly evacuate the office while, at the same time, sharing their experiences via their favourite social networks.

We should probably conduct a fire drill using our new procedures, to make sure everything runs smoothly, and perhaps have procedures in place for when Twitter is ‘over capacity’, as it often is.

Social Network User's Fire Safety Notice

If you like our fire safety notice, please feel free to download a vector based version and print your own copy to ensure your staff are also safe in case of a fire.

This file has been downloaded [downloadcount link=”internet-marketeers-fire-safety-notice.pdf”] times.

Use on your website

Darren Jamieson

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