
Social Media Marketing 2010

Last week we attended a social marketing event in London, Social Media Marketing 2010. The event featured several guest speakers talking about the benefits, and different tactics, of social marketing – as well as some case studies for some very big brands.

Two of the speakers also appeared by live video link, which despite the odd technical issue with Chris Brogan being cut off during his Q&A, the video links were among the highlights.

The conference practiced what it preached with social marketing, as the event featured a projection of a live Twitter feed consisting of messages from attendees at the event commenting on the speakers in real time. Most of these Tweets were interesting and amusing; although one of the speakers wouldn’t have thought so had he read them!

In our opinion, the two best speakers were Mat Morrison and Richard Sedley. Richard talked about social objects, and how you can use social objects to reach a new audience. Richard used the wonderful phrase ‘an audience with an audience’ – highlighting how whenever you write or post something to a social network, your audience has its own audience that you can tap into.

Mat Morrison talked about how you can monitor the effect of the social marketing messages, and how they affect others on an anthropological level.

There were some other great speakers there, including a great presentation from The Viral Factory that showed the power of viral video and images.

We’d like to say thanks to everyone at the event and hope that the next one is just as good.

  • Well — gosh. You’re too kind. Thank you (I enjoyed Richard’s talk, too.) With regards to the social objects thing, you might like to read Douglas Rushkoff’s short article on Social Currency. And if you found my talk interesting, you should definitely check out Mark Earls’s blog.

  • Thanks Mat, we’ll check those sites out. Hope to catch you at the next Social Marketing conference!

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