If you have enquired with an SEO company in the UK about using their SEO services, whether it’s in London, Birmingham or even on the Wirral, the chances are that you have spoken to an ‘SEO consultant’ who has given you advice over the phone about your SEO.
The problem is, just how much genuine knowledge do these SEO consultants really have? You see, many SEO companies use the title SEO consultant for their sales team, because they know that the job title of ‘sales’ wouldn’t be as affective in closing deals – deals with you.
It stands to reason. If you receive an email from an SEO consultant advising you of what SEO services you need for your website, you’re likely to take note of what they say. You might not necessarily agree with everything, and you might not buy from the company, but you’ll make sure that you read it and try to understand what is being said; it could after all be very useful free SEO advice.
However, if you receive an email from a Sales Representative telling you what SEO you need on your website you’ll take everything they say with a pinch of salt; they want to sell you services to make a commission.
Furthermore, just how long have some of these ‘SEO consultants’ been working for the SEO firms in question? They may have very limited experience of the industry, have been given the title of ‘SEO consultant’ and are now advising you on what services you need, based on how much commission they can earn from the deal.
A consultant from a reputable SEO company will be honest about how much SEO experience they have, their suggestions or proposals will be run past someone internally who has the knowledge and experience relevant to the proposal and if you ask a question the SEO consultant doesn’t know, they should be able to clarify quickly and easily internally.
Always be wary of to whom you are speaking, and if they’re unsure of what they are saying the chances are that they may have only just heard about SEO themselves, and could even have been selling cars the week before.
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