
Promote yourself and you promote nothing

Promote yourself and you promote nothing

Adding self promoting content to your website won’t help your website to rank organically. This is a fact that website owners need to realise when it comes to updating their sites. If you’re simply talking about your products, your services and how great you are, you’re adding nothing more than marketing material to your site; sales copy in other words.

This is the sort of copy that Google doesn’t want to read as it doesn’t add any value to the SERPs. When users are searching Google, they’re not looking for sales copy to read, they’re looking for information that answers their queries. Your website needs to have this information in order for it to rank within Google.

The Internet is built on information, not sales material. If you expect your website to perform well within Google you need to understand this and publish the sort of copy that will get your website noticed by Google and ranked accordingly.

You can always save the self promoting articles for article directories and submissions websites, but keep your own website full of useful information.

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