As increasing numbers of people become innocent victims of scams, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to protect themselves from computer hackers. The responsibility now lies with the recipient of an email to look for vital signs that the contact isn’t genuine, and is instead potentially dangerous.
According to the Identity Theft Resource Centre, almost 10,000 people have already become victims of identity theft or been exposed to hackers in 2011, an increase of 37 percent on the first quarter of 2010. John James, the Chief Technology Officer at Converse College, it is becoming much harder for companies to fight against hackers and scams as the hackers are changing strategy.
Hackers will usually use the threat of your account being closed if you don’t give them personal information, or offer free gifts and holidays as an incentive to lure confidential details from you. A reputable company however, will never ask you for confidential or personal data in an email.
One of the initial signs that an email, or other copy, is a scam is the poor grammar and copious spelling errors. Very often, the standard of English will be poor and littered with grammatical errors, indicating that the person or company isn’t genuine.
A large number of businesses outsource content writing to a professional writer from a copywriting agency. This ensures that all copy is accurate, features a perfect use of English grammar and is free from spelling errors. This service is particularly useful to a business owner who doesn’t have a very good grasp of the English language, or a company which doesn’t have the time to create original content which is free from errors. Create trust and respect by outsourcing your copywriting.
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