
Penguin 1.1 algorithm update launched

Penguin 1.1 algorithm update launched

Google has confirmed that its latest roll out to the Penguin algorithm update has launched. Said to affect only a fraction of search results though, it is not likely to have the same effect on SEO content creation as the initial launch.

The 1.1 release was announced via Twitter by constant Google mouth piece Matt Cutts, who said:

“Minor weather report: We pushed 1st Penguin algo data refresh an hour ago. Affects <0.1% of English searches.”

In essence then, the update really is trivial.

Comparing it to the Penguin launch on April 24th 2012, over 3% of all English search queries were affected. Indeed, many companies are only just reporting they have managed to recover their strategies with the intro of enforced changes.

In regards to the Panda update it is barely a blink, with that algorithm change seeing 12% of results affected.

As Cutts stated, it is a data refresh really, which should not impact noticeably but simply allow for better processing.

It is a timely reminder however for companies to ensure their online marketing is correctly optimised. Relevancy is what search is becoming all about now, and web pages need to understand this whether targeted for an audience in Chester or Westchester County.

Another thing to look out for are other updates that will be in the pipeline. Historically, Google tend to soften up people with a few innocuous looking dot releases, before launching a gamechanger.

As anyone experienced in the world of digital marketing will know though, that is part of the fun of modern day SEO jobs.

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