Online video marketing now favoured over TV ads

Online video marketing now favoured over TV ads

A new study looking at the impact of video marketing has suggested that visual media is leading the way when it comes to content provision.

Carried out by BrightRoll, the US Video Advertising Report showed that spending on video marketing is expected to reach $4.14 billion (£2.74 billion) by the close of 2013.

It was found that around 66% of advertising executives want at least half of their ad budgets channelled into video marketing. Around three quarters said they consider online video ads to be just as effective as television adverts, if not more so.

It is believed that video marketing offers advertisers a much greater level of visibility than single television slots – particularly as online videos reach users across a range of platforms.

Speaking about the report, BrightRoll CEO Tod Sacerdoti said:

“Video has emerged from the shadow of digital media options and planted itself at the center of the advertising ecosystem.

“This year’s survey underscores digital video’s leadership position with proven effectiveness to reach audiences at scale.”

Twitter and YouTube both recently took steps towards making it easier for marketers to capitalise on the potential offered by video marketing – with Twitter Amplify allowing brands to integrate their TV ads on the site, and YouTube introducing paid subscription channels.

Other recent reports have pointed to the importance of offering users video-based content as part of a broader social media strategy, which could also include professionally designed infographics and news articles written by established news feed providers.

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