
One stop doc

When we’re creating a web app or website here at Engage web, it’s not uncommon to have to refer to the manual or online documentation of a particular function or tag. With the broad range of languages we use, it can mean a trawl around the Jquery online documentation, heading over to the W3C, PHP.net, or even good old stack overflow. This can at times become quite a laborious process and can distract you from your flow of work. The ideal solution would be to have all these languages documented in one place.


Stepping up to the challenge is DevDocs, which is a rapidly expanding online repository of documentation for the more popular web languages and libraries. It currently has HTML, CSS, DOM, Javascript and Underscore.js. Its search facility it is an extremely useful resource for any web-developers who need to remind themselves of the syntax for a Jquery click event, or to research the full @media types for CSS. The website is still in its early stages, and hopefully it will emerge to include a lot more languages and libraries. I suspect that Ruby would be the next on the list, but with my personal preference for PHP, it would be great to be able to check on the letter codes of the date function and the syntax for the calendar function of Jquery in one place.

If you get the chance I would highly recommend checking out DevDocs at http://devdocs.io and support the creator http://thibaut.me/ in his efforts.

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