Instagram Login

One in, one out for Instagram features

Social platform Instagram has recently made a couple of changes to its service to help enhance the experience for users.

Firstly, it has enhanced its setting to help its users to figure out whether emails sent to them are genuinely from the company or whether they are a possible phishing scam. To do this, Instagram has introduced a new feature within the settings menu called ‘Emails from Instagram’. This option simply lists every email the Facebook-owned company has sent to the user during the past two weeks.

This option splits emails from the company into two sections – security and ‘other’. If the email that the user is querying appears in either of these lists then the user can be sure that it is a legitimate email from the company, and they can click any links contained in the email without having to worry about a virus or data breach. On the other hand, should emails received not appear in this list, then the user can assume that it is spam, junk, or a scam and delete the email. Furthermore, Instagram has stated that should the account become compromised then there are a set of instructions to follow on the company’s help page.

Many users are sure to welcome this feature as phishing emails are now becoming more sophisticated and harder to distinguish. Some can even break through into accounts that use two-factor authentication.

This feature is currently in the process of being rolled out and should appear in the near future in the settings menu.

Instagram has also tried to make its user experience better by removing a feature it believes is no longer adding to the experience, as many users are not using it. The Following tab, which displays the activities of accounts a user follows, is in the process of being removed from the platform.

This feature shows what followed accounts are liking, following and commenting on. Instagram has been secretly removing the tab since August, and has confirmed that it is being phased out, with this expected to be completed by the end of the month. The head of product at Instagram, Vishal Shah, has explained that this decision is based on simplicity and usage, as not all users were aware that the function was even there.

Social media sites constantly remove and introduce features to make the user experience better and to help users get the most out of these platforms, whether it is for business or pleasure.

Alan Littler

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