
Old news suffocates SEO

One of the greatest pleasures in a morning is listening to or reading the news in a variety of media. The iPad has transformed this pleasure for many as it is so easy to flick through a newspaper with text, eye-catching graphics and interactive features on a large (9.7 inch) touch screen. However, once news is old, it loses its appeal no matter what the medium: this maxim applies equally to website content. Fresh content is a “must” to retain the interests of clients and it is a fine line between returning to a website with familiar features and becoming bored with the same old site.

Supplying constantly updated copy is a demanding skill and can so easily become formulaic and lacking in interest. Professional journalists are skilled in sourcing news stories and writing articles that make compelling reading relevant to the site’s audience, practicing their craft daily: as is the case with professional copywriters. The wise business person knows that it pays to employ professionals: trying to cut corners can be a false economy. Contracting website copy to an established, reputable agency, as opposed to using freelance writers, always makes sense because results are guaranteed.

The iPad with its variety of apps and portability is building a loyal, passionate fan-base. Business websites can do the same if they respond to the changing demands of their customers. Blogs, if they contain fresh, original copy can generate links with other high-profile websites, resulting in an increase in the site’s search engine optimisation (SEO). Professional SEO writers know how to write this kind of copy and will provide interesting, topical articles for blogs.

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