If you run a WordPress website which receives loads of social interaction and comments, wouldn’t it be great if you could use the interaction to send out messages promoting your latest offers, or by directing people towards your social channels?
With Notiflyer you can do just that. The plugin allows you add a custom message, such as an offer, details of an event or even links to other parts of your website, Facebook or Twitter, which are included in any comment notification emails which are sent out. So whenever someone receives an email from your WordPress site telling them of a new comment, they’ll also receive your custom message, or ‘flyer’.
== Description ==
Notiflyer allows custom messages to be sent out with the comment notification emails WordPress sends to the post authors. This allows you to add messages such as links to your Twitter and Facebook pages, or messages about offers and promotions. This is particularly useful for attracting people towards your social channels on multi author sites.
== Installation ==
1. Upload `notiflyer` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Can I include HTML in the notification?
No, HTML can not be included in the notification.
== Screenshots ==
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* n/a
- Making colours count - February 22, 2014
- Facebook opens up origami offering - February 15, 2014
- Hello Ruby - February 8, 2014
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Notiflyer has now been approved by WordPress and is available to download from WordPress.org at