
Noisli: breaking boundaries for web writers

Noisli: breaking boundaries for web writers

Hidden away in the corners of the internet is Noisli, a site which offers users the chance to enjoy a mix of audio and visual experiences while they write. In fact, this very article is being created using the site’s text editor.

Utilising HTML5, CSS transitions and Jquery, Noisli slowly changes the colour of its background while visitors write on its pages. This, however, is only part of the experience as the user can also create soothing soundscapes.

With a range of volume sliders, it’s possible to create a mix of relaxing natural and digital sounds. These can then be finely tuned and adjusted to create an appropriate audio experience. For example, at this moment, it’s set to emulate a forest scene with the faintest of winds and a storm off in the distance somewhere.

As a beta concept, this website offers some interesting ideas when it comes to shaping users’ experiences while writing. Finding this kind of atmosphere and ambience would normally require the wordsmith to go to a coffee shop or to sit outside in the countryside, but with Noisli, it’s possible to tailor the experience without leaving the room.

Noisli is a great example of a site which provides users with an interesting experience on the web. With technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3, and a vast number of libraries and services available to utilise, websites owners no longer have to create flat, boring pages of information – they can build interesting and interactive journeys for their users.

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