
New Year vodka shows how spelling mistakes can make your site look fake

New Year vodka shows how spelling mistakes can make your site look fake

Over the New Year period, a warning was issued about counterfeit bottles of vodka. These had been designed to look like genuine brands, but in fact contained dangerous chemicals and high levels of methanol. Trading standards officers warned people to be on the lookout for the fake bottles, which could cause serious health problems if consumed.

The warnings encouraged the public to be more vigilant about things like the general presentation of the vodka and any spelling mistakes on the labels. Counterfeit stock tended to have badly printed labels and careless errors, and the bottles tended not to be filled to the same level.

Although a few typing mistakes on a website might not present the public with health issues, these mistakes can be extremely costly for businesses. People are becoming increasingly aware of how to spot fake products, and more sophisticated at picking up on information that’s not quite right. This can include basic spelling and grammatical errors, as well as things like writing that appears to be stuffed with keywords or articles that don’t have anything to say.

If you’re writing content for a website, there’s a lot to be learned from looking at how products are established as trustworthy in the first place. Credible companies will always pay attention to the smallest details like spelling and labelling, and the same applies to reputable websites. Companies are increasingly using professional writers to ensure that they don’t mistakenly give the impression of being inauthentic.

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