Microsoft Red Blue Wall

Microsoft to remove Twitter from its advertising platform

Microsoft Red Blue Wall

Microsoft to remove Twitter from its advertising platform

As of April 25, 2023, anybody that advertises using Microsoft’s Digital Marketing Centre will no longer have access to Twitter on their social media management dashboard.

The news comes after Twitter’s own plans to start charging enterprises $42,000 a month for access to its application programming interface (API).

Users of Microsoft’s advertising platform will not be able to create, manage or schedule tweets or drafts, and will not even be able to view their previous tweets or engagement levels on Twitter.

Previously, Microsoft Advertising allowed users to manage various social media platforms, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, all in one place. While Twitter is being removed from the platform, the other three social media services will still be available for users.

Microsoft’s revenue from digital advertising totalled over $12bn (£9.6bn) in 2022, helping business to manage ad campaigns across a variety of different platforms. However, if advertises using this service plan to continue running campaigns through Twitter, they will be forced to find another management method.

This is another blow for Twitter’s advertising efforts, which took a significant hit after Tesla founder Elon Musk’s takeover of the social media company at the end of last year. Since announcing its costly updated API access, Twitter has seen a number of large companies begin to walk away from the platform. Online customer service company Intercom also declared that it will be dropping its integrations with Twitter, while federal government agencies in the U.S such as the National Weather Service are not being granted exemption to the costs and have warned users not to rely on its Twitter accounts for weather alerts.

Running marketing campaigns across a range of channels is considered to be an effective way to reach and grow your audience. For expert social media advice, speak to our team at Engage Web today.

Luke Meredith

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