
Make your first video ads with YouTube’s latest tool


Make your first video ads with YouTube’s latest tool

A new beta tool from YouTube has been set up to introduce small businesses to video advertising.

YouTube Video Builder was announced on Google’s blog yesterday, and will allow users to put together short, simple videos of 6 or 15 seconds in length. The tool is aimed primarily at businesses who might be new to the idea of video creation and looking at different ways of communicating as the COVID-19 pandemic forces them to change the way they operate.

Acknowledging that many businesses have neither the resources nor the experience to film their own videos, and that there are logistical difficulties in doing so at the moment anyway, the tool lets businesses compose straightforward videos made up of “static assets” – these might include text, images, company logos or anything else not falling under the category of filmed footage. Those using the builder are also given access to YouTube’s extensive library of music and sound effects.

YouTube has put together a two-minute video detailing how to use the tool, and interested businesses can sign up for access here.

Statistics show that YouTube is the second biggest website on the internet, ahead of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, and that 16.1% of its traffic comes from search. It therefore makes sense for all businesses to use it, and creating basic videos for your company is certainly a start.

Developing this idea, many companies have found success in creating engaging, professionally filmed videos that can be shared on social media sites, leading to views, shares and comments. These can then draw traffic to a website, both within the video and its description. Indeed, studies show that engagement rates on Facebook video posts are higher than for text-based or photo posts.

For advice on how to film videos, and to discover how we can help, contact Engage Web today.

John Murray

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