
Make SEO copywriting your 2010 resolution

It’s the final day of 2009, and the final day of the ‘naughties’ – which means we’re moving both into a new year and a new decade.

This means that New Year’s resolutions should be made, and kept, for the coming 12 months. From an Internet marketing perspective, you should make your New Year’s resolution to embrace content, rather than that diet you were thinking of, or the gym membership you’ve been contemplating.

Just like a diet and a gym membership though, SEO content for your website needs to be given time to work. You can’t expect to see results in the space of a few days. Also like a diet and a gym membership, you need to write SEO content for your website regularly. There’s no point doing the first three days and then leaving it for two weeks, only to return again for one last effort before giving up.

Regularity is the key. If you keep it up, keep it regular and keep it at a high enough quality you’ll reap the rewards with your website.

This is one New Year’s resolution that you should make and stick to. Your website, and your business, will thank you.

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