A lost dog was recently found ten miles away from where she had gone missing, thanks to a campaign launched by the owner on Facebook. The dog had been rehomed by Helen Parsons after it had been taken to a rescue centre. Previously living on a farm, the two year old dog had not socialised well with the other dogs and had to be removed.
While visiting her son and daughter, Kim and Paul Hughes in Worthing, the dog had wandered off during a walk on 19th November. Over 300 people joined the campaign to look for Bute, sending messages to others and displaying posters of the dog after seeing a photo which was posted online. Bute was finally spotted by a woman in Arundel and taken to a dog rescue centre near Bognor. Thanks to the Facebook campaign, the rescue centre was aware of the missing dog and could reunite her with her owner. Mrs Parsons travelled to Climping, Bognor the very same day to collect the dog and take her safely home.
According to Mrs Parsons, Bute possibly travelled through farmland before reaching Arundel, probably sleeping there as that is what the dog has always been used to. However, Bute will be kept on a long lead to keep her safe from now on.
Facebook, along with other social media sites, is able to spread word rapidly whether it is about a missing pet or a business, which is why it is a part of search engine optimisation. Companies incorporate social networking sites into their SEO campaign.
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