
Keep your content regular

Over the past few months, we keep re-iterating that content should be done on a regular basis, but why?

When we say to add content regularly, we usually mean daily although the frequency might vary according to how competitive your industry is.  However, many clients ask why they should take seven articles and publish them one per day and why not add them all at once, or even just one per week.

The reason is simple – Google.

Everybody wants that golden spot at number one in Google’s search results or at least on the first page for their search terms and even better, for all sorts of search terms.

Well, Google’s spiderbot visits regularly updated websites more often.  The key though is regularly updated.  It is not enough to just change your existing text slightly every day.  You need to add unique, fresh content.

There is another reason too – users.

Users and traffic is what every site needs.  It doesn’t matter if you are in the number one spot on Google if the traffic does not follow, and more importantly, the right traffic.  If visitors to your site get bombarded all at once with seven pieces of content, they may go elsewhere as they find it too much.  If regular visitors know you update your site regularly, they will return day after day.

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