Keep the content relevant

In our experience of promoting the benefits of adding regular, fresh written articles to websites we have come across a wide range of attempts by different website owners to achieve the same results without quite getting there.

Here is a list of the most common mistakes:

  • Not adding news or articles regularly enough.  More often than not, a website owner will start off well but fade very quickly.  After all, their time is better spent running their business.  However, adding anything less than ten articles per month regularly spaced out is not particularly beneficial
  • Not keeping the writing relevant.  We did once come across a website owner who was simply reporting the football results on his blog.  This was not only not relevant to his site but was damaging his results because it meant that the search engines could not tell what his site was about.  By writing irrelevant content, not only will you attract unrelated traffic but you dilute the effect of your website
  • Writing advertorials.  Adding news or articles to your website is not about expanding the advert that is your website.  Ideally, the content should be relevant to your industry but written in a neutral manner

These are just our top few, so visit regularly to get more content writing tips or (example of poor advertorial writing), get in touch for a quote!

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