Zombie Alan

Is an SEO who can’t write content just a glorified programmer?

Is an SEO who can’t write content just a glorified programmer?

There are many people working in search engine optimisation as SEO experts who can’t write SEO content. The technical side of SEO requires a programming expertise that tends to attract certain types of people. They’re great with programming languages, developing code and writing query strings, but when it comes to writing grammatically correct content, they fall short.

This begs the question; can someone who cannot write content really consider themselves an SEO?

SEO isn’t just about editing website code, optimising database queries, building websites and mastering CSS. That’s all well and good, but that’s only 50% of the process. That’s the technical side of SEO that any programmer could turn their hand to, regardless of whether they have had any prior SEO experience or not.

While Google does care about website loading times, code to text ratio, clean code, keywords and the like, it’s also about your website’s content. In fact, it’s more about the content than anything else.

Websites that have no apparent SEO can still outrank the most perfectly optimised websites if they have superior content.

The reason for this?

At the end of the day, Google (and its users) aren’t interested in a well optimised website; they want to see a relevant one. Without great content, SEO content, your website is only half optimised.

This is why the truly best SEO uses a combination of on-page SEO techniques, off-page factors, and SEO content.

SEO programmers who just rely on their technical knowledge without understanding the finer intricacies of SEO content aren’t really SEO professionals at all.

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