
Increasing your traffic levels with Google News

Increasing your traffic levels with Google News

We’ve written a few times about how Google News can increase your traffic levels and allow your website to rank for search phrases that you would otherwise find impossible to rank for organically, and here is another example of how it can help your traffic levels.

We recently wrote about the former Vogue model Liskula Cohen, and she took Google to court in order to get the identity of a blogger who wrote offensive material about on a blogspot blog. Liskula Cohen won her case, forcing Google to reveal the identity of the blogger as fashion student Rosemary Port. Rosemary Port then stated she was suing Google for failing to defend her right to privacy.

It all got very legal very quickly, but naturally became a top story. Consequently, anyone looking for information on the case and how Google were being sued found StuckOn in Google News, at the top of Google News, as this image shows.

In this image you can see the top story for a search on ‘Google Sued’, where StuckOn outranks the Times Online and the Telegraph.

The importance in writing your news posts lies in how you phrase your titles and construct the text itself. If you can match, or pre-empt, what someone will be searching for in the wake of a news story you can improve your chances of ranking highly for it.

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