How website content compares to fine wine

Generally, a fine wine needs to age before it’s ready. If you gulp it down the second it’s in the bottle, you’ll regret it. The pleasure you get from the complex flavours developed by the ageing process make it well worth the wait.

Similarly, allowing content time to rest is part of the process for good SEO content. When content is rushed, not only is the basic writing quality lower, the longevity of the content is put in peril. Editing your content before it is published on your website should be one of your regular SEO jobs.

For full-bodied content, with a good length, make sure you:

  • Schedule time for editing. Even if you don’t have a thorough editing process, it’s important to give yourself distance and re-read your content before posting. Errors can drag your whole search engine optimisation process down.
  • Don’t rush when you’re tired. It’s important not to write tired, but it’s even more important not to post tired. This is how bad content can slip through, even with the best plans in place.
  • Good content should last. This is something to think about when devoting time to your content for search engine optimisation. Don’t get StuckOn the things your content can do for your site right now, but rather treat content as a long-term investment in your site’s quality.

*Not all fine wine needs to age. It’s okay if you can’t always go through an editing process. Business demands often prevent this. What’s important is to check back in on your content processes to make sure you’re still on the right track.

Remember, just like fine wine, great content always goes down well at Christmas – when people are searching for those gifts for their family and friends; it’s your content that will be the difference between being found, and being left on the shelf.

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