How to capture attention: make it real

One of the hardest SEO jobs is to take the technicalities of SEO and turn them into something interesting for a human audience. It’s also one of the most important SEO jobs. If your site is attractive to search engines, but not people, your ranking is certain to go down in the long term.

Hugh Laurie in 'House'

How to solve this human problem though? Well, the main way to attract people to your website is to have interesting content, but this can be hard to find. If you’re operating a site that is focussed on an area of business or technical field, it’s hard to produce gripping content ideas. Hiring writers only takes care of part of the SEO content problem.

The key to attractive content is actually very simple. Keep it real.

It may be surprising, but the things that happen during your business day make for great content. One of the most attractive things in any form of content is a personal approach. In relating your experiences in your SEO content, you’re essentially telling a personal story, reaching out to your reader.

For example, this article was inspired by the TV show House. This show always has a moment of epiphany, where the good doctor (Hugh Laurie) solves the medical conundrum through personal experience. This triggered my own epiphany, when I realised how easy it is to relate to others’ personal experiences. It also made it easier to relate my ideas.

…Referencing House is also a great way to grab an audience, but probably won’t work in the long term.

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