
How to build up an SEO kingdom

In many ways, SEO is like conquering kingdoms. A site assembles its resources and wages war on its competitors, looking to gain control of particularly enticing pieces of search engine real estate, or land. There may be a little less romance and far fewer horses involved, but getting your site to the top of the rankings is not unlike the medieval politics of war.

With the building of a kingdom, it’s best to start local, and the same goes for SEO. Careers have been built on this idea. A lot of businesses tended to neglect their localities, not so long ago, but local identity has now become a standard asset to use in a search engine optimisation campaign. The way it works is much like the way vast kingdoms are built.

Alexander the Great - great at SEO

Imagine a website just beginning with its SEO plan. The website can attack the high-competition keywords, but it’s likely to fail. It can start out small, conquering the local kingdoms of low-competition keywords, but it will take a while to build up a presence. To assist its campaign, then, it should build up its local strength, focussing on Google Local and local directories. With that strength, it will find it easier to conquer the low-competition keywords, gaining greater strength as it goes on to conquer greater and greater kingdoms before, eventually, the world… Mwah Hah Hah!!!

Not every business has the advantage of a locality, but most do. If you can use your physical location to build up your presence in the search engines, it’s a good idea to do so.

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