How companies can engage with youth markets

How companies can engage with youth markets

The 2014 Youth 100 list has unveiled what brands need to be doing with their marketing strategies to attract the 18-24 demographic.

With some surprising results in this year’s list, firms that have a focus on improving their patrons’ fun and who try to make life easier for them are doing well. Organisations offering help saving money are also highly rated.

It is the brands that offer a combination of these three elements, backed up by relevant, interesting and shareable content across newsfeeds, that are doing well in the countdown. According to the head of insight at Voxburner, Luke Mitchell, getting these fundamentals right will move a firm up the list.

The top five brands according to the Voxburner report are YouTube, Amazon, Google, the BBC and Ben & Jerry’s.

Mitchell said:

“Brands with those two functions [being useful and saving people money] are fundamentally important to young people’s lives every day so they develop strong relationships with them.”

The fun element is most successfully delivered by Ben & Jerry’s in the top five, but Mitchell went on to say that YouTube, BBC and Channel 4 (in at number 10) all had a good combination of fun and function that appealed.

The research, which polled 2,500 young people, also found that ‘pre-roll’ adverts, which play without being selected, were not liked. This could fire a broadside over some marketer’s plans.

The importance of social was also underlined.

For the first time, the poll asked respondents which organisations they would most like to work for. Apple came top of this list, with Google and Topshop hitting second and third.

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