Google warns Chinese search users of errors

Google warns Chinese search users of errors

Following a number of problems experienced by search users in China, Google has introduced display text that will warn users of potential problems. Over the last few years, complaints have been received by Google regarding error messages when searching for certain terms. When the error messages are initiated, the connection to Google is lost for at least a minute. Following extensive research into the problem, Google is now hoping to warn users by displaying an error message.

Google’s senior vice president of knowledge, Alan Eustace said that the company examined user reports after receiving complaints about the error messages, but discovered that the problem wasn’t connected to its systems. It appears that certain search terms will activate the error messages, resulting in a loss of connection momentarily to Google. The company are now able to pre-empt which search terms may trigger the error messages and will display a warning to users. The user will have the option of editing their search term or carrying on. A link will be provided in the warning to Google’s help centre.

Eustace said:

“We’ve said before that we want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services. Our hope is that these written notifications will help improve the search experience in mainland China.”

Problems like this can also cause difficulty for businesses, making some SEO jobs more complex. The problems with certain search terms should be taken into account when creating a company’s SEO campaign.

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