
Google wants to become “more human”

Google wants to become “more human”

Shortly after search engine rival Bing announced it was revamping its SERPs, Google has got in on the act, releasing what it intends to be a “more human” approach to results.

It is introducing ‘The Knowledge Graph’, which it hopes will make its algorithms produce results that adhere more to the context of the searches being performed.

Initially, the tool will be made available only in the US version of the search engine, though a global roll out will be forthcoming. No doubt SEO marketers in Cheshire, Leeds and London will spend the time working out how best to exploit their content for the feature.

Using the example of how the words “Taj Mahal” mean different things for different searches, Google’s Amit Singhal, the senior vice-president of engineering, explained how the feature will try to apply context, rather than simply match keywords:

“You might think of one of the world’s most beautiful monuments, or a Grammy Award-winning musician, or possibly even a casino in Atlantic City, NJ. Or, depending on when you last ate, the nearest Indian restaurant,” he said.

To deliver results, the Knowledge Graph will organise results by employing 3.5 billion unique attributes, grouping results according to different meanings and providing a summary box of its results.

It is certainly a bold move by the Californian search engine., though could just be the start.

Greater computational, intelligent searches are the ultimate aim, with Mr Singhal saying answering more complex questions such as “What are the 10 deepest lakes in Africa?” is something search engines should offer.

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