
Google removal requests highlight importance of professional content writers

Google removal requests highlight importance of professional content writers

Since the start of the year, Google has received removal requests for over 100 million links – twice as many as last year. It shows that internet piracy is being more eagerly battled by content creators.

The figures underline the importance for firms to use professional content creators. Whether producing news feeds or writing guest blogs, ensuring text does not breach copyright rules should be paramount.

The ‘takedown’ requests are getting ever more frequent too. In June alone, Google received nearly 14 million requests for page deletions from its returned search queries. These came from about 3,200 copyright holders or agents working on their behalf.

Highlighting the trend, just one digital content protection firm is responsible for 300,000 such request a week. In total, the firm has requested that 30 million URLs be deleted from the search engine’s result pages.

The requests come from a varied range of copyright holders too, including to the British Recorded Music Industry (BPI).

However, there are a number of requests submitted which are not entirely accurate.

A recent episode saw Microsoft ask for links directing to its own sites to be removed, for example. The firm did not comment on the error.

The links were not removed, with a Google spokesman happy to explain:

“Mistakes are made as most of this activity is automated, but Google is pretty good at filtering them out.”

Whether relating to written content, audio files or visual recordings, it is clear that the internet is going to be a battleground for accurate content creation for some time to come.

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