
Google Relate helps you find web content of interest

Google Relate helps you find web content of interest

A new tool launched by Google has been designed to help users find related web content when browsing for relevant pages. A bar appears at the bottom of your browser, complete with suggestions for similar pages. A number of free Google tools have been launched recently, all to assist users in their quest for information.

The newest addition to the Google toolkit appears at the bottom of your screen, as just a thin bar that contains links to similar pages. For instance, if you are searching for your favourite music artist, you may be directed to other websites connected to the musician or music videos. If the artist is connected to a social media site, you may be connected to their page. Although some of the pages may not be relevant to your current search, you may find otherwise unknown information which may prove to be interesting to you.

Google makes the new tool personal, by taking mote of what you are searching for and personalising results. In addition to some self promotion- for instance, links to You Tube- Google also provides competitor links. This is yet another tool from Google which is relevant to anyone in the search engine optimisation industry.

When people want to search for information, they turn to Google which is why it plays an important role in any SEO campaign. It’s essential to improve your page rank for videos, images and news as they could be among the top results for Google search and Google news.

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