Google Play shares music with friends

Google Play shares music with friends

The latest addition to the Google services list is the ability to share songs with friends, using Google Play. Google+, the social networking site, has integrated with Google Play so that users can share a favourite track which has been purchased from Google Play with people in their groups of friends.

Sharing music with friends and family has always been popular and this was recently proved by the successful integration of Facebook and Spotify. As music is shared and exposure to a wider audience increased, hopefully sales of the music will also improve. Although critics will possibly say that Google is forcing another product on to users, there are a number of features which are favourable to users of Google Play and Google+.

A playlist will be generated automatically for Google Play users, called ‘Shared With Me’. Songs which have been shared by friends on the Google+ social network will automatically populate the list. If a friend buys a song from Google Play, they can choose to share it with you. This allows you to listen to the track once, all the way through with no charge. If a friend shares a song with a user and they haven’t listened to it, the track will remain in bold until it has been listened to, much like emails in an inbox. You will also be given details of which friend shared the track with you.

This development could make some SEO jobs more complex for the music industry. However, Google products remain at the forefront of a SEO campaign for a number of companies.

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