Google facial recognition technology respects user’s privacy

Google facial recognition technology respects user’s privacy

Find My Face on Google+ is a photo application that uses facial recognition technology to tag photos. However, Google has implemented the application with a feature to allow users to opt in to the service, while Facebook introduced the same feature as an opt out service which prompted angry calls for privacy.

The users of Google+ can opt in to the photo tagging feature which means that if they appear in one of their contact’s photographs, their name will be shown as a suggested tag. Users will receive a prompt which allows them to reject or accept an occasion where a contact wants to tag them. According to a senior advisor for security at Sophos Canada, a security software provider, Chester Wisniewski individuals retain the right to choose how personal details are shared with others, and obtaining permission to share information, including photo tagging is the correct approach.

Facebook has Tag Suggestions, which uses facial recognition technology to identify users in photographs and add their names, saving users from having to tag friends manually. The tool was rolled out a year ago but didn’t draw any attention. However, when Tag Suggestions was gradually introduced in 2011, a number of users were annoyed as they weren’t aware that the feature was activated. Following complaints, Facebook added an opt out feature. It has been suggested by some that Google had learned from Facebook’s mistakes.

Google and Facebook are in constant competition, although they both play crucial roles in any SEO campaign of businesses in LA and Liverpool.

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