
Get them hooked: the secret to addictive content

Get them hooked: the secret to addictive content

Good SEO content should be like a box of chocolates. Not in the Forrest Gump sense, in which you never know just what you’re going to get, but in the sense many of us struggle with at times: addictive. Content for search engine optimisation needs to hook the reader just as irresistibly as the best of chocolates.

The steps to good content are remarkably similar to those between the intact box of chocolates and its forlorn, paper-filled shell. They can be taken just as unconsciously, if done well. Tempt your readers by addressing their keywords intelligently, then follow through with quality content. Each step along the way should put forward information that exactly meets the reader’s needs, and encourages them to read on. It’s a simple plan, but one that is essential for the success of your content.

1. Presentation. The initial impression a chocolate box presents makes a difference in its consumption. Make your content similarly alluring in the SERPs with a well-chosen blurb and link.

2. A rich outer coating. As those in SEO careers know, titles and headings are essential if you want to get content read. Presenting a promise is a good idea here.

3. Gooey, delicious centres. Follow through with articles of real substance, and you’ll keep your readers coming back for more.

This is advice you’ll hear again and again. The underlying message is that good SEO content needs planning and dedication. Without those qualities, you’re essentially offering a bag of hay to readers who have a chocolate craving.

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