Facebook has become the latest net giant to launch a guide to help with SEO. Aiming to help organisations better deliver their presence to the customer, its lack of depth may surprise some members of the marketing community.
The guide is delivered by way of an informational video.
Whilst there is a natural relation to Facebook itself, it more heavily focuses on the basics of optimisation for the search engines. Indeed, the simple step-by-step video could be argued as being very basic.
Focus is heavily given to the naming of web pages, a fundamental in the world of SEO. Still, even today, it is surprising how many organisations generate obscure and difficult to type and find, web site names – so still a worthy inclusion.
The video also backs up the importance of high quality sites, high quality content and, that all important relevancy.
As a recent Panda update showed, the quality of links a site has is gaining in importance for search results. The video explains that key to attracting these links is the creation of engaging and meaningful content. It also explores the principles behind regularly changing content.
Though nothing ground breaking is held within the how to video from Facebook, it will no doubt be viewed and acted upon by healthy numbers of people.
With the world of SEO a dynamic one, and algorithms affecting how it should be put into proactive constantly updated, seeing how Facebook updates its guide, if at all, will be an interesting watch.
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SEO advice from Facebook? Seems everyone’s offering it now!