Facebook Weekly Page Update emails

Internet marketing companies have been using Facebook for some time now to further promote their name, brand and the websites of their clients online. One of the best ways to do this is with the ‘pages’ section of Facebook, where you can make a ‘fan page’ for your website, your business, your club or even yourself (if you’re that way inclined).

Unlike websites however, Facebook doesn’t offer a lot of reporting with these pages, save for the few scant details you get in the ‘insights’ section of each page, which tells you things like how much post interaction you’ve had in the last week.

This week however Facebook launched a new service where it emailed brief stats to page admins for their Facebook pages. The details came out in a single email, complete with stats for as many Facebook pages that you act as an admin for. The emails offer basic information such as the number of times your page has been viewed in the last week, and how many new fans you’ve acquired that week.

The details also compare the stats with the previous week, so you can see if you’re heading in the right direction. It’s no Google Analytics, but it’s useful to know at a glance how your Facebook page has been doing, and whether it needs an extra push.

The email stats look something like this:

+7 Fans this week (535 total Fans)
11 Wall posts, comments and likes this week (30 last week)
580 Visits to your Page this week (503 Visits last week)

Do you have a Facebook page?

  • I received mine, but what I’m wondering is the time frame they’re using? I received it on a Wednesday, so does that mean it’s to the previous Wednesday? That seems like a pretty obvious piece of information to include. I’m confused why they didn’t.

  • It seems like they’ve rushed this to give the most basic of facts only. It would be nice to be able to have more; I guess they’ve got to start somewhere but to miss out the dates of the stats is an obvious no-brainer.

    I certainly hope the next few weeks will bring more information…

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