
Facebook updates the way pages are shown on profiles

Facebook updates the way pages are shown on profiles

Visitors to Facebook this week will have seen that the website has changed the way that it displays information on profile pages. Interests such as what films you’re into, what bands you like and what pages you’re a fan of (sorry, like) are now displayed in a more interactive way than before.

facebook profile

Unlike most changes on Facebook however, this change did ask members whether they’d like certain bits of information displayed in this way or not.

Previously, information such as your favourite films and music artists were displayed via text, so that friends and family could read that you were into Ghostbusters or Flash Gordon. Now however Facebook has very cleverly linked your interests with the actual fan pages of those entities, together with thumbnail images, so that visitors to your profile can see what you’re into and even click through to view them, and become fans of (sorry, like) the pages themselves.

facebook likes and interests

Of course, this being Facebook it hasn’t gone perfectly. For example, you may find that any employers that you have listed (such as I have with StuckOn) also generate links to the relevant pages – only the links haven’t worked quite as well. Rather than create a link between the entry on the profile, and the actual page for the business, Facebook has guestimated what it thinks is the correct page and shown a list of entries by people using similar words.

facebook stuckon page

This was a nice effort by Facebook, but it still needs a bit of work – and you can’t even edit the connection to put the correct link to the page either (which incidentally is here, if you want to become a fan of (sorry, like) the page).

Darren Jamieson

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