facebook list

Facebook introduces lists feature

Social networking site Facebook has recently introduced a new feature to the Status Update section of the platform, which will allow users to post lists onto the network.

This is a significant update for the site, as it has been specifically designed to get users to share more updates that are personal to them, instead of sharing funny videos and other media designed to plug businesses.

It is also hoped that it will encourage friends, family and other acquaintances to interact with content, giving the site a more community feel to it than of late.

One of Facebook’s aims for the year is to get its users to post more updates that are personal to them and those they are connected to, as this is one of the core aims of the business. This was highlighted by company CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the beginning of the year, when he also stated that his personal mission for the year was to ‘fix’ the network.

These lists can be anything the user wishes them to be, such as a schedule for that particular day or places they would like to visit in the future. These can then be customised with coloured backgrounds and emojis so that they stand out from other content in the news feed.

It is not clear how many different entries users can have, but the site will only display the top five lists by default, with the others being hidden away, becoming accessible with a dropdown menu icon.

Facebook has begun to roll out the lists feature, and it will appear as an option when the main Status Update box is selected. It is currently only available for use on Android versions of the mobile, with iOS users only able to view lists at the moment. This is expected to change in the near future.

Lists represents the latest attempt to urge users to share more about themselves, after the ‘Did You Know?’ section seemingly backfired after asking questions that were interpreted as intrusive and a bit too personal.

Opinions will vary as to whether this is a fresh, new way to engage via Facebook, or whether people with use it as a way of filling their connections’ timelines with dull and irrelevant content that could be a trigger for some people to leave the site for good. Indeed, it was recently revealed in a report from eMarketer that the site can already expect to lose a significant number of younger users – up to two million – during 2018 to other social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat.

Alan Littler

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