
Facebook changing the way news is consumed


Facebook changing the way news is consumed

The newsfeeds of Facebook are impacting and changing the way that social media subscribers access and consume topical stories.

The algorithms implemented by the social media platform mean its users are fed news that is specific to their interests and needs.

A Facebook spokesperson, however, explained that the site doesn’t see itself as a news editor, commenting:

“We try to explicitly view ourselves as not editors […] We don’t want to have editorial judgment over the content that’s in your feed.

“You’ve made your friends, you’ve connected to the pages that you want to connect to and you’re the best decider for the things that you care about.”

Facebook’s input into its users’ news feeds is strongly related to the connections people have made. Essentially, the system understands that content related to these interests and connections is what users will want to read the most.

On a weekly basis, a specialist team working for the Californian company tunes and adjusts the algorithmic codes that affect the newsfeeds. The complicated coding decides exactly what news to present when a user first logs on, and utilises various metrics to make these decisions.

For internet marketing experts, having their stories appear in matched newsfeeds will reap outstanding rewards. Should the algorithm choose a brand, the increase in traffic could be huge.

For those managing social media newsfeeds, it is vital to keep up with any changes made by Facebook. In a recent alteration to the algorithm highlighting the importance of high-quality content, many sites and brands suffered and saw a reduction in traffic.

As ever, Facebook remains organic in its evolution.

Alan Littler

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