
Eva Mendes Sex Tape Released

Eva Mendes Sex Tape from Eva Mendes

While this video from funnyordie.com of Eva Mendes announcing the official release of her sex tape may be a very funny joke, it also plays a serious role in SEO and shows how search results can be manipulated to your own ends.

In the video, Eva explains how her new product, sticky tape called ‘Eva Mendes Sex Tape’ already had a market within Google as so many people were searching for it, therefore releasing the product seemed like a good idea. Naturally, the product isn’t real and Eva Mendes hasn’t gone into the world of DIY materials, but the success of the video online, both from an SEO perspective and as a viral, show how important monitoring search results can be.

The makers of the video realised that it would be successful as a viral video because people were already searching for it, and once it was released they knew it would be found, linked to and would spread across the Internet very quickly.

The same tricks can be used within your own industry to find out what people are searching for, and you can create posts, pages or even videos offering the results they’re already seeking. This would increase your exposure online and ensure more traffic for your business.

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