Don’t put too much on your SEO plate

Don’t put too much on your SEO plate

At times, we’ve all been subject to the phrase, ‘Too much on your plate.’ Things happen, you take on too many tasks, and the important things suffer. In the SEO industry, we’re always talking about what you should do for your site. In truth, there is so much you should do for your site that you could spend all of your business time on it.

Modern SEO is about diversification of approaches, but it also requires dedication. If you commit to too many search engine optimisation moves, you risk not giving individual tactics enough attention. Unless you’ve got a whole team that can commit to your search engine feast, you risk making a meal of it.

1. Pick and choose. If you go about your SEO like a line of hungry footballers at a Chester pub buffet, you’ll inevitably get too much on your plate. Worse still, the meal will suffer from lack of distinction. Darting back and forth across SEO tactics may mean you sample everything on offer, but it isn’t likely to be of benefit to your site. Just as with a meal, pick the things you like that are good for you, and stick with them.

2. Get an expert chef to arrange your meal for you. Another option is to let someone else handle all those little SEO jobs for you. A modern search engine optimisation company can offer myriad services, including content provision, search marketing campaign design, blogging and a whole host of other techniques.

If you’re feeling stretched, talk to your SEO consultant.

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