Don’t let your site have sick days

Don’t let your site have sick days

Sick days are an inevitable part of working life. As we catch the tube, jump on the bus, wait in the coffee line and then sit in the cubicle at work, we are exposed to hundreds of other people, who in turn are exposed to hundreds of others. These myriad strangers, fellow commuters and workmates transfer all sorts of germs, and it’s a foregone conclusion that if a flu or virus is going around, you’re going to get it. This part of working life is so costly to businesses that employers give out free flu shots, health advice and sometimes have a staff doctor to get workers back to their duties sooner.

Contracting viruses is also inevitable on the internet. Websites are vulnerable to any new viruses that come along. Does this mean you should let your website have a day off now and then? Or does it mean that you need to should have your own ‘doctor’ waiting around to help?

Having your whole website down for more than an hour is an absolute disaster. Sadly, hundreds of online businesses have this occur through lack of foresight. Even worse than a direct malignant attack, undetected viruses can drag down a site’s SEO, lose customers and ruin a carefully-tended relationship with Google.

Planning is a major part of search engine optimisation, and this includes viral defences. Whether you’re a tiny Merseyside local or a national business, this kind of foresight may be what keeps you in business when your competitors fail. Talk to your SEO company about virus preventative measures.

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