Does my web design matter for my content?

Does my web design matter for my content?

Adding regular, unique, content to your website may help your search engine rankings, but if your website has been designed to a poor standard the content you add could have a limited, or even negligible, effect.

For example, if your website has been constructed in Frames, any content you add to your site will not be indexed at all. In fact, none of your website will be indexed. It’s hard to believe that web designers still use Frames to build websites, and even harder to believe that some courses in web design still teach it – yet they do!

Another way your website could be negating the effects of your content is if your website has a splash page, or doorway page, and your content isn’t accessible from the homepage. If Google has to struggle to find your content then its effectiveness will be diminished considerably. You need your content easily accessible by Google in order to maximise its impact on your website and your search engine rankings.

There are many other design mistakes that you could make which would have a bad effect on your SEO, but we’ll go into those another time.

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