
Crunching the numbers from Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Crunching the numbers from Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Over 50% of web traffic in the UK on Black Friday came via mobile devices, analysis of the numbers by IBM has revealed.

Using its Digital Analytics Benchmark, Big Blue looked at all consumer transactions in real time to produce its findings.

Set against a series of indicators, it showed that 59.8% of all online traffic on November 28th came from tablets and smartphones. Of this, 39% came from mobiles.

The European retail solution leader for IBM, James Lovell, said that the findings show clearly how retailers need to embrace handheld tech. He said that for next year, optimising news feed content for mobile devices was going to be vital. Mr Lovell added:

“It has become clear from their behaviour that consumers are increasingly using technology as part of their shopping experience.”

News content providers are increasingly helping tailor retailers’ feeds to ensure actionable and profitable content arrives on mobile devices.

The volume of traffic also set a new UK record. From 2013’s figures, Black Friday in the UK saw a mammoth increase of 91%. Cyber Monday (December 1st) was less successful, increasing by 22%.

Black Friday also saw more spent, with the average purchase price coming in at £88.86. Cyber Monday was considerably lower at £77.88.

One interesting fact to note was that despite smartphones accounting for more traffic, the average spend was bigger from those using tablets.

With the ease of using checkouts better on tablets, and the likelihood of more secure connections being in place for their users potentially the reason for this, continued number crunching of the figures is clearly required.

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