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Conversion rate optimisation: what is it and why is it important?

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Conversion rate optimisation: what is it and why is it important?

Conversion rate optimisation (sometimes shortened to ‘CRO’) is the process of improving your website to increase the percentage of conversions. There are many different types of conversions a website may have – for example, an eCommerce website’s conversions would be purchases.

The conversions on your website depend on what type of website you have. Your conversions could be a website visitor filling out a contact form or signing up to your email newsletter, or it could be a download of a lead magnet.

CRO generally involves looking at your website and seeing what elements of the site you can improve through A/B Testing. It’s a great way to improve the number of conversions you have on a website.

The process also has many links to search engine optimisation (SEO), especially with the recent Google Page Experience update, which looks at improving the experience of your visitors to your website.

The importance of conversion rate optimisation

CRO is important for any business, as it will help you to lower the cost of acquiring customers, and it will help you to get more value from your current website visitors. This will enable you to increase your revenue per visitor.

According to HubSpot, the first five seconds of page-load time have the greatest impact on conversion rate. Therefore, making sure your page speed is the best it can be is essential for making sure that as many customers are converting on your website, and it’s a ranking factor that will help to improve your rankings on search engines.

How can you measure the results of CRO?

There are many ways you can measure the success of CRO. These can include looking at the number of conversions you have received since you have started CRO and comparing this to the number of conversions beforehand.

Another great way to measure success is to setup ‘Goals’ in your Google Analytics, which can help you to measure a wide range of conversion types, including contact form submissions, eCommerce conversions. It can also be used to track website visitors who visit a specific page.

For help with an online marketing strategy for your business that will help you to improve your website’s conversions, have a chat with our friendly team today.

Jonathon Roberts

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